Nine Greenlee

Substance Use Prevention

This initiative pairs the evidence-based model of SBIRT (Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment) with the unique school-clinic environment of SBHCs. The SBIRT model delivers evidence-based adolescent substance use prevention while also addressing related issues such as lack of… Read More »Substance Use Prevention

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Innovations in Family Planning Clinical Service Delivery for Hard to Reach School-Based Populations

With funding from the Office of Population Affairs, SBHA supports Child Trends in the Innovations in Family Planning Clinical Service Delivery for Hard to Reach School-Based Populations project. SBHA works with Child Trends to identify, evaluate, and disseminate successful strategies that… Read More »Innovations in Family Planning Clinical Service Delivery for Hard to Reach School-Based Populations

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PlaySMART Videogame Project

The PlaySMART Videogame Project harnesses the power of play and videogame technology to prevent opioid misuse and promote mental wellbeing in youth. SBHA partnered with the play2PREVENT Lab at the Yale Center for Health & Learning Games to develop, evaluate and implement PlaySmart. PlaySMART… Read More »PlaySMART Videogame Project

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Information Sharing and Confidentiality Protection in School-Based Health Centers

We know that partnerships between schools and community healthcare organizations are a powerful collaboration to support healthy students in achieving their full potential. School-Based Health Centers (SBHCs) are an effective and equitable model for providing comprehensive, integrated healthcare in the school setting… Read More »Information Sharing and Confidentiality Protection in School-Based Health Centers