COVID-19 and Unaccompanied Homeless Youth: School-Based Strategies for Support
Date: December 2021
Before the pandemic, one out of thirty adolescents ages 13 to 17 experienced homelessness without a parent or guardian. These vulnerable youth face unique barriers to accessing school and health care, including COVID-19 vaccines and testing. While federal law protects homeless youths’ educational access and stability, state law determines the ability to consent to routine medical care and testing. With increasing numbers of school districts and states considering student vaccine mandates, it is critical to understand how to support youth who do not have parents or guardians who can consent to their vaccination and/or testing. This webinar will help the school-based health care field and their partners understand who these youth are, their educational rights, and how to support their health and safety during the pandemic.
The School-Based Health Alliance, in partnership with SchoolHouse Connection, invites you to join our discussion with a distinguished panel of experts concerning the experience of homeless youth and strategies to best offer them support during the COVID-19 crisis.