FREE Virtual Tools for Schools & SBHCs During the Pandemic (for providers and school partners)
Date: March 2021
Learn with Yale’s play2PREVENT Lab and the School-Based Health Alliance on an interactive webinar series highlighting FREE health prevention video games for youth ages 10-19! Learn how the play2PREVENT Lab works with youth and expert researchers to “harness videogame technology to shape stronger and healthier lives,” addressing topics such as risk reduction and HIV prevention, personal health advocacy, and smoking/vaping and opioid misuse prevention. Join peers in discussing ideas and best practices for successfully implementing these virtual tools in schools and SBHCs, and complete the post-webinar survey for a $10 gift card!
SBHC provider and school partner-focused webinar on three different video games that teach risk reduction and HIV prevention, personal health advocacy, and smoking/vaping prevention.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3