HIPAA, FERPA, and School Health: Confidentiality and Information Sharing in School-Based Health Care
Working across two distinct and complex systems—healthcare and schools—can be challenging. The School-Based Health Alliance partnered with the National Center for Youth Law to provide guidance to school-based health centers about navigating federal privacy laws that apply to both education and healthcare entities: the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).
“Information Sharing and Confidentiality in School-Based Health Centers: A Resource for Guide to HIPAA and FERPA” explains what information each law protects, when information can be disclosed, how the laws are similar and different, and how they interact with state privacy laws.
In addition, two summary fact sheets were produced for SBHC staff members and for Pediatric Mental Health Care Access Program staff members working with SBHCs.

We partnered with Abigail English, JD, and Rebecca Gudeman, JD, MPA, from the National Center for Youth Law on this webinar providing an overview of HIPAA and FERPA. Using case examples, this webinar addresses common questions, explains the role of state confidentiality and consent laws, and explores best practices in information sharing and confidentiality designed to maximize the benefits of health care programs, consistent with legal requirements.